Contact Us
Have a question, suggestion, complaint or compliment? Lose something?
Fill out our online customer comment form for help.
To speak with someone immediately, please call:
TTY: Dial 711
Para español, oprima dos. For assistance in all other languages, please tell the Customer Care Information Specialist what language you speak and stay on the phone while they connect to an interpreter.
6:00 a.m. - 8:00 p.m, Monday - Friday
9:00 a.m. - 6:00 p.m., Saturday/Sundays/Holidays
Certification and other inquiries: 303-299-2960
Trip Reservations/Cancellations: 303-292-6560
Access-a-Cab: 303-244-1388
TTY Line: Dial 711
Administrative Offices
Call: 303-628-9000
1660 Blake Street
Denver, CO 80202
7:30 a.m. - 5:00 p.m., Monday - Friday
Board of Directors
Web Page: view here
Civil Rights Small Business Office
Call: 303-299-2111
Colorado Open Records Act (CORA) Requests
Web Page: view here
Construction and Engineering
Call: 303-299-2309
Lost and Found
Call: 303-299-6000 (option 3)
Web Page: view here
Media Relations
Call: 720-326-7311
Pass Programs
Call: 303-299-2132
Public Relations
Web Page: view here
Procurement and Contracts
Call: 303-299-2251
Senior Services
Call: 303-299-6503
Service Planning and Development
Call: 303-299-2004
Special Discount Card
Call: 303-299-2667
Transit Advertising
Call: 303-280-7000
Transit Watch
Trip Planning
Utility Construction
Call: 303-299-2811
Construction and Engineering Web Page: view here