Board Office
Board Office
RTD is governed by a 15-member, publicly elected Board of Directors. Directors are elected to a four-year term and represent a specific district. Elections are staggered so that eight seats are open in one general election, seven in the next.
If you're unsure which Director represents you, the Board of Directors District Map offers a guide.
CTA TESTProposed Budget 2024
Regional Transportation District (RTD)
2024 Adopted Budget
Notice is hereby given that an Adopted Budget will be submitted to the RTD Board of Directors for the year 2024. The Adopted Budget will be considered at the regular meeting of the RTD Board of Directors, which will be held in-person/remotely via teleconference on November 28, 2023, at 5:30 p.m. Interested members of the public can participate in the meeting by dialing 720-928-9299, Webinar ID# 898 0921 1328# and passcode 1660.
Any interested elector of such Regional Transportation District may inspect the proposed adopted budget and file or register any objections thereto at any time prior to the final adoption of the amended budget.
Dated: October 10, 2023
/s/ Marjorie Sloan
By Marjorie Sloan, Secretary
RTD Board of Directors